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Debra Breeden already received a reply to this Want Ad.If you're also looking for kimora lee simmons life in fab lane (NO COMMERICALS) sEASONS 2, 3 AND 4 , Let Us Know Here
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tv series kimora lee simmons life in the fast lane.
The series follows Kimora Lee Simmons and features the daily life of herself, her three children: Ming Lee Simmons (January 2000), Aoki Lee Simmons (August 2002), and Kenzo Lee Hounsou (May 2009), along with various people who work for and with Simmons. Along with giving viewers an insight to her daily life, her boyfriend Djimon Hounsou is also shown. Her first husband, Russell Simmons, makes frequent appearances in the series too.
Season 2 episodes 1-9
season 3 episodes 1-10
season 4 episodes 1-7
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