This sale is for Radio Enfer from (1995) starring François Chénier and Rachel Fontaine on DVD.
Which Seasons are Included – 5 seasons are included from Radio Enfer DVD but please check season availability before placing an order.
After the number of seasons is confirmed, the price will be updated accordingly.
Plot for Radio Enfer:
Quatre jeunes du secondaire issus de milieux familiaux différents se retrouvent à la direction de la radio étudiante de leur école. En plus d’assurer le bon fonctionnement de la radio, ces ados doivent faire de leur mieux pour mener de front leur vie académique, familiale et sociale. L’incompatibilité des caractères rend la cohabitation électrique, voire explosive. Ce…
These DVD’s will play on any DVD player anywhere in the world (Region Free).
Ships in 24hrs.
BTC is accepted.
Comes on DVD-R in paper sleeves.
Shipping is $6 or FREE for orders over $50.
Replacements are made for the same title only.
Feel free any question you might have.
If there are other titles you are looking for don’t hesitate to ask.
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